Leaf - HR

Frequently Asked Questions

Simply give us a call or complete the request a quote form on this website.

Cleanings are priced according to your homes square footage and the information you provide about the condition of your home.

If we can't complete the cleaning in the scheduled time we will call you and give you the option to provide a list of priorities or add additional time at out normal hourly rate.

We provide all cleaning supplies and equipment.

Our cleaners are thoroughly vetted, interviewed in person, and background checked prior to hire.  We do not hire people with any criminal activity on their records.  We are also fully insured for your protection.

We value building relationship with our customers and do our very best to keep the same cleaner scheduled consistently at your home.  If we need to schedule a different cleaner for any reason we will let you know in advance.

Recurring appointments under 4 1/2 -5 hours are handled by one cleaner.  Recurring appointments over 5 hours and detail cleanings, especially in larger homes, require two or three cleaners.

We guarantee and stand by our service.  If you are not happy with any aspect of your cleaning, please call us and we will quickly return to make things right.

Yes, most of the time.  However, we have a 30 minute arrival window before and after your scheduled time.  If we are running early or later than scheduled we will contact you to let you know our estimated time of arrival.  Will will not arrive earlier than your scheduled time if your appointment is an early morning appointment.

The ideal cleaning situation is when no one is home.  Since this is not always possible, please eliminate as many distractions as possible so our team can work uninterrupted. We recommend that you try to schedule your cleaning on a day when there will be fewer people home.

Sometimes customers are home to let us in. However, if you will not be home, we ask that you keep a key in a lock box or provide a door code if you have one.  We do not keep customer keys.

You can go to your client hub located in Jobber to input your payment details.  We can either charge you automatically at the time of service or send you an invoice.  We do accept all forms of payment.  If you'd like to leave a check or cash you can give that to our cleaning team at the time of service. 

Booking Is Quick & Easy!
